You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Pray for my son who is 28 and needs to find a community to live in. He wants to be away from home and live "on his own" with others but the resources in my state are incredibly taxed and very few.
Prayers for son who is battling after a year of major injuries and illnesses (broken neck … fractured rib with pneumothorax, sepsis, major surgery, near death X 6 weeks … genetic mental health issues, PTSD, addiction.). He’s in 30 day rehab while we try to sell his home. He desperately wants and needs new start away from this area, Christian friends/support, purpose in life.
Praising the Lord for His work in other son who has autism! Married 2 months, moved into their first apartment, doing well in first full time job with benefits, loves the Lord and has good church family!!!
Prayers for my Sabra daughter to know and follow Christ. Her husband is disabled and she’s had a difficult life (she’s tough and prickly on the outside but sweet/loving/very caring on inside like Sabra cactus!)
Praising God for health and His many blessings in the storms of life. (We are older parents … 72-77 yo). He alone has sustained us through years of almost constant “challenges.” We “praise Him in the storms.”
I’ve had a very rough last 1.5 weeks. I injured my lower back somehow and couldn’t walk and was in extreme pain for several days. I still have some pain but I can move around slowly. Yesterday between my lower back pain and being on bed rest led to my upper back hurting immensely. I’ve also had a cold for the majority of this time and other random pains and it’s just compounded making it a pretty miserable time.
Elder prayer request please: Please pray for complete healing of my womb/bladder/hormones/reproductive system. Pray for faith for excellent reproductive health and for complete healing. Pray for the husband God has promised me. Pray God move powerfully to fully redeem and restore all the enemy has stolen/destroyed. Pray for God’s blessing, favor, protection and direction in my work and living situations. Pray God bless and establish the work of my hands. Pray for the rest God wants for me and that all the wrong things be made right in Jesus name.
Please pray for more intercessors. There are many issues right now in the US and the world. There are droughts all over and flooding
I have Parkinson's.
I am in a tremendous amount of pain.
Today is my husband's birthday & his mom & brother will be here in a couple of hours. I want this to be a great day.
Please pray for strength & relief for the next several hours.
Thanks in advance
We moved from TN to FL to be closer to my adopted son’s younger siblings and my husband’s side of the family. My 8 year old son who has autism has had a hard time adjusting to his new home. He has finally made friends here, and established a daily routine with a calendar of events! I am so glad! But, now my husband’s work is taking us on a 30 day trip several hours away. I refer to this as a
“ vacation” Please pray for our safety as we travel and for this transition to be easy .
I’m a mother to two kids one,who has autism and ADHD he is 8.We are having a lot of stress and trouble finding what works for him he has been going threw a lot of sensory overload and has showed symptoms of anxiety,We are having difficulty finding someone who will guide us threw this journey i pray to god that we will find a Medication and doctor who not only understands him but us as well who will guide us please pray for our family as we are going threw really hard time right now.Thank you so much.
I'm a mother of three boys that all have Lyme disease/PANDAS/PANS and many other diagnosis. I myself have Lyme, mold illness, CIRS, Fibromyalgia, MACAS, and SO many symptoms. There has not been one day of relief in years. We were recently displaced while our house was being remediated for mold, and now that we are back in the house. I'm finding it so difficult to be comfortable. We don't have help. We don't have friends. My husband and I haven't had a date night in years. I'm overwhelmed by the constant appointments for myself and the kids. IEP team meetings, doctor appointments, therapist appointments, it is all too much. I struggle with my relationship with the Lord because I don't understand why this pain and suffering has been relentless. I'm lonely, depressed and barely hanging on. Please pray that I get healthy enough to continue to fight for my boys. Please pray that the holy spirit renews my faith and repairs my relationship with God. Please pray that I find purpose through all this pain. It has been a long road and I'm so very weary. Thank you for your prayers. They are more appreciated than you know!
Our son is in ICU with multi system problems due to a disease plus a broken rib … kidneys failing, had to put chest tube in last night, infection, total body pain, increased confusion, possible liver, etc.
There’s more involved. We are trusting God (with lots of Mama tears)… Thy will be done.
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