You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
I am a mom to 20 yr old son with Autism, and im experiencing some dizziness and headaches and its a challenge to care for him. Please pray for healing for me. Thankyou.
Prayer for my family's marriage, manhood, youths, boyhood, sharing, prayer, hope, and returning back to Christ. Empower their spirit to outstrip the level of carnel so they can bathe in the blessin
My husband and I aren't comfortable putting our nonverbal 3 year old in public preschool this fall for many reasons. However, the school was going to provide a "talker" for her. We need to get her an assistive device to help her communicate without having to go through the school district. Prayers I can figure this out (maybe through insurance?) and we can get her what she needs.
I’m just so tired. My (adult) child has a lot of anxiety during the summer holidays. Can’t eat because of the anxiety and then the anxiety increases when the blood sugar level is too low and it’s like an endless cycle. My child constantly reaches out to me for help, but there’s nothing I can do when he won’t eat. Everything feels hopeless right now, even though I know it’s not. Please pray for us!
My 16 year old son, Sam, is full time in a power wheelchair/has numerous other physical challenges because of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. His three closest friends are moving away (2000 miles and 500 miles away) in July. These friends include him in everything they do and even help in his care. It's a huge loss for him. I'm requesting prayer that the Lord will provide opportunities for my beautiful, courageous, Jesus-loving son to meet and engage with new friends.
My son has needed surgery because he's not healthy, however his surgery keeps getting re-scheduled the morning of because he's "not healthy enough for surgery" on the morning of his surgeries. We live three hours from his medical care, so it makes things extra difficult and it feels impossible to get him "healthy enough" for needed surgeries right now.
Also, I'd appreciate prayer for the opportunity to connect with other special needs Christian moms in my area who get it and also desire a connection with other moms.
For my 3 year old who has autism for his speech Nd sensory issues
I am thankful for such a Loving and Gracious God!
I am so thankful for By the Brook! A group of ladies in Helena, MT gathered this weekend to watch the 2021 Redefine retreat. What a huge blessing for each and every one of us!
Please pray as we meet today for an IEP, seeking eligibility for Extended School Year with a school that is presently under DCS investigation for causing non-accidental injury to our child. Tension and defense is high, trust is breached on multiple levels. Please pray for clear communication, discernment, clarity of mind, wisdom and unity for the next right steps for our family as we navigate a wholistic lifestyle of learning.
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